

Life hasn’t been good to me so far, so
why do I bother to put seed in the soil?

I never felt people were there, I fought
alone and all I got was meager harvests.

And thistles on my field, stings my heel!

I’ve resigned from desires out of reach
and set up trellises on my balcony, and
I plan to plant creepers, to get privacy.

True, once I wanted to be happy, but life
is rough and it’s very creepy to deal with.

It’s said “choose your battles”! But I rarely
did because troubles came looking for me,
to hide or run! And sometimes one has to!

(”Chosen” battles ain’t battles. Life is a battle
and we were never asked! Just born to a crib.)

Now I set seeds in soil, still doing my time
within the brackets, as they once became!
Strange life! I try to embrace it, as it is.


rose, whiterose, white

Detta inlägg publicerades i alienation, armed loneliness, create life, fate, living in the world, living with others, loneliness, loners, lost trust, obstacles, paradigms, poems, poems by vonnely, Poetry, reality, sadness, sowing, walk of life och märktes , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

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