Rescue me!


In Africa and US people put a trust in God.
In Sweden we put our faith in healthy food
and state-run welfare funded by taxes. We
believe people are rational and act sensibly.

We all have to live captured in our illusions
and cope with that, in one way or another.

But ”God bless you” the Americans say and
think they will get away with that. ”I pray for
you” the Africans say knowing your troubles,
tells the Bible is their favorite book and they
honestly think they will get away with that!

But if you say something like that in Sweden,
a Swede will suspect you are a kind of lunatic.

In foreign parts of the world, people are shocked
the Swedes can get away luckily without fearing
God, no doomsday but healthcare for even poor!

Yet every people in every part in the world sings
songs of romantic love – but then they marry for
rational reasons, economic and family oriented
duties. Tell me, as a Swede, why it is like that?

Know the Swedes only marry of true romantic love
and anything else would be morally offensive and
a cynical shame. Yes, it is actually true!

And I am a Swedish woman, I eat healthy but I do
not pray even though I know I should exercise to be
a good person. I get along on my own for the most
but I dream about true romantic love. As told I am
privileged, I believe I live in the best country in world
with no reason to be unhappy or feel miserable.

But neither money nor power nor gods nor religious
rituals nor welfare can protect you from the pain of
your heart or the misperceptions of your mind.

A loudmouthed man took power promising to build
a wall against migrants coming from other countries.

At the end of his time, the own citizens of the country
proved to be the real threat to the country and to its
democracy. Now Forces build walls within the country
to protect the new leader who talks about a healing for
a future for this great country. A vain hope, I say!

What we all humans have to live with is that there are no
other living species as crazy and irrational as man. You can
see the reasons to your problems in your mirror. Which is
everyone’s mirror. Still, art and love will always rescue us.


rose, whiterose, white




Detta inlägg publicerades i arduous times, armed loneliness, borders, choices, courage, create life, culture values, dreamers, faith, fears, happiness, hard times, hate, healing, hope, life and love, living in the world, love songs, obstacles, poems, poems by vonnely, Poetry, politics, reading life, relationships, Swedish "culture" och märktes , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

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