One hot day in April I went shopping…







It’s bloody hot today! It’s only April, but still a summer heat!

Well, I expected it to be hot when I dressed to go out to shop – but like a normal spring heat! And therefore no long underwear under my jeans, really not mittens but a thin jacket, a summer scarf and a long sleeve jumper, my usual boots. So I did leave my home:

Outside the gate door sits a girl and sunbathing in a bikini: true, very true – it’s really summer hot at the house wall! The scarf goes off and down in my bag when I walk to the bus stop. I’m certainly too warmly dressed!

An hour later, when I’m about to travel back from the city and wait for the bus, I also take off my jacket and put it in the bag. But I’m still too hot in my black jumper – and the boots!

People who waits for a bus the same as I do keep the distance well, all according to the recommendations of the Public Health Authority. Nice! But reduced bus tours makes it almost a bit crowded on the buses. I’m not happy for that!

An older Swedish man who has stared at me a while as we waited for the bus to come says as we enter the bus ”Will you come or not?”. I don’t answer.

There are a sort of elderly Swedish men who seems to just hate me!! I don’t know why, but it makes me feel unsafe as nose my way in jungle of questions marks.

The few times in my life that kind of old guys and I have come into a conversation, they have never believed in my Swedish origin, but doubt me unfriendly in every way. I don’t know what’s wrong with them. But apparently, they think there is something wrong with me! Maybe because they lack intelligence but I certainly don’t and they cannot stand it? (I’m just asking!)

That greyish guy get off at the same bus stop as I do. Whoever he is, he goes in the opposite direction, thankfully. Next time I see him, I will remember him!

The girl outside the gate at the apartment house there I live has got company by a young man. They say ”hello”. I have no idea who they are. I carry heavy after been shopping in town, but non of them helps me out by open the door for me.

No one living in the house has neither offered to shop for the old lady (that I am!), in spite neighbours in Sweden are asked by the authorities to help the old ones (me, again!). Youngsters today seems to think old people who want a seat on the bus or get a door opened or want help shopping, they should ask for it! But I would never ask for such!

I take the lift up to my floor, the key in the door: home! I check the blood sugar and the pink lipstick I bought. Both good enough. Now time to make dinner and then a nap!

This week I will be 71 years old. No doubt I am a 70 plus and as such recommended in these virus times to stay at  home and isolate me in quarantine. I live in Sweden and I am single and it is spring, please call me!

Summer dreams, Aldo Luongo

Detta inlägg publicerades i become old, fragility, hope, living in the world, loneliness, poems by vonnely, Poetry, prose, reading life, Short prose, spring, Swedish "culture", vår och märktes , , , , , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

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