Windy sunny spring

It’s windy, it’s sunny out there,
all while I slowly recover indoors.
Weak, I thought I had a burn-out
and hit the floor alone in the night.
I could have died, but I didn’t know.
And now I just sit here and look out.
The April storms have passed and it’s
sunny yet windy out there. The nights
still cold. The Winter Emperor fights his
last battle as feeble as I am. He’ll retreat
but I will for sure regain my strength. Now
the Spring Knight melts frosty winter hearts,
even mine. And I almost (almost!) believe that
another summer with joy might be also for me.

Detta inlägg publicerades i changes, courage, create life, dreaming, faith, hard times, hope, obstacles, poems, poems by vonnely, Poetry, spring, struggles, surviving, troubled life, vår, vårvinter, Winter heart och märktes , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

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